Packages and Perks

The donation tool is composed out of different package options, which grant a possible donator access to a variety of freely configurable perks.

Understanding Packages and Perks

The concept of packages and perks is a core concept of the donation tool. It is not only the main part the donator will interact with during the donation process. It is also the key element for server hosters to individualise what they offer to donators and what donation amount they expect.


A package in the donation tool can be seen as a container. It holds the information of a unique ID, in order to reference the package during the donation process, as well as afterwards (e.g. in case of a refund or issue). The package will also has a price tag, which a donator will need to pay. The most important part of a package is a collection (0 or more) of perks, that a donator gets access to when a donation was successful.

Important: Never, ever, delete a package from your configuration or change the unique ID of a package, that you already had live at least once. If you want to disable a package, you can create a new one and disable the old one.

Packages with a variable price

The default setting for a package is, that it has a fixed price tag. That means, a donator can select the package in order to earn the perks of it, but has to donate the fixed amount of money the server hoster defined as a price. Alternatively, the type of the package (with the type parameter in the price object) can be VARIABLE. Setting the price to variable allows your donators to donate an amount they see as appropriate, starting from any positive value greater than 0 (even 0.01).

This feature is intended to support packages where you want your donators to donate less amounts then your pre-packages allow. However, keep in mind that the donators will still earn the perks configured for the package, for whatever price they choose, even one cent only.

To configure a package with a variable price, which will grant the donator a role in the discord, use this example:

  - name: 'Perk #1'
    id: 1
      type: VARIABLE
      currency: USD
      amount: '1.00'
      - type: DISCORD_ROLE
          # Donator
          - '0000000000000'

The amount in the price object will be used as a default value in the tet field, which a donator can change.


A perk is a single item a donator will be granted when a donation for a package was successful. The perk can grant access to basically everything, depending on if there is an integration/automation provided already. Built-in perks are listed down below in this help article for reference.

Each perk, from a point of view of a server hoster, may require different configuration options.

Configuring Packages

Donation Packages can be configured in the config.yml configuration file in the packages key. It is a list of objects, e.g.:

  - name: 'Perk #1'
    id: 1
      currency: USD
      amount: '1.00'
      - tpye: FREETEXT_ONLY
        text: Some text to show to the donator
  - name: 'Perk #2'
    id: 2
      currency: USD
      amount: '1.00'
      - type: PRIORITY_QUEUE
        amountInDays: 30

Each package has the following metadata:

Disabling packages

Packages are a basic data model configuration of the donation tool. That means, once a package is configured and was out in the wild (potentially used for a donation already), it is not safe to delete the package again. Deleting a previously available package might result in bugs and undefined behaviour that can decrease the usability and functionality of the donation tool for your donators.

Once you have a package configured, which you do not want to provide for donations anymore, you can disable it with the disabled configuration property of the package. Setting this configuration to true instead of deleting the package ensures, that the package is not available for new donations anymore, but the information of the package is still available in the system. Some features may rely on the existence of a package, even when it is not available for donations anymore.

Built-in available Perks

The following perks are available built-in.

Priority Queue

The priority queue perk works together with CFTools Cloud. If included in a package and redeemed by a donator, the perk will setup a priority queue slot for a single configured CFTools Cloud server. The priority queue slot will last as long as configured.

This perk, in order to work correctly, requires the CFTools Cloud application the be setup. Please see the Getting Started guide, section "Setup dependent accounts" -> "CFTools", to get more information on how to do that.

If you want to grant priority queue access to multiple servers for a package, you may want to configure multiple priority queue perks for that package.

Available configuration options


This perk requires the following additional configuration options:

You may specify an array of multiple Server Ids in the serverApiId property. A donator then needs to select the server they want to have the priority queue on, e.g.:

  amountInDays: 30
      - A_SERVER_ID


The whitelist perk works together with CFTools Cloud. If included in a package and redeemed by a donator, the perk will setup a whitelist entry for a single configured CFTools Cloud server. The whitelist will last as long as configured.

This perk, in order to work correctly, requires the CFTools Cloud application the be setup. Please see the Getting Started guide, section "Setup dependent accounts" -> "CFTools", to get more information on how to do that.

If you want the donator to be whitelisted on multiple servers for a package, you may want to configure multiple whitelist perks for that package.

Available configuration options


This perk requires the following additional configuration options:

Discord role assignment

This perk will assign a set of Discord roles to the logged in discord user when a donation was successful.

To get the required Discord role ID of the roles you want to get manager, you need to enable the developer mode in your discord app. Then, right-click on the role you want to grant in the role management of the server settings and click copy.

Available configuration options


This perk requires the following additional configuration options:

Free text

This perk is intended to cover cases, where your donators will receive perks in other, maybe even non-automated, ways. In order to still advertise that donators will get these perks when they donate, you can use this free text perk.

When a donator redeems this perk, it will basically do nothing.

Available configuration options


This perk requires the following additional configuration options: