Getting Started Guide

Using this tool to convert a manual donation process to a self-service experience requires some steps. This guide aims to translate the documentation of the single configuration options in the config.example.yml configuration file to an actionable step-by-step guide to get started with an initial setup.

This guide sets up the donation website in a basic, working fashion. You still might want to take a look into more advanced setup scenarios (see more documentation pieces in the docs folder).


To install this donation tool has the following minimum requirements:


Note: The guide will use command syntax as it is used on Windows operating systems. You may need to translate/convert the commands to be used on MacOS or Linux systems.

Installing the donation tool is the first step you should do. For that, you need to download the source code of the application itself. You can either use git to clone the repository, or alternatively download the latest version as a zip file. Clone or unzip the files to a directory of your choice. As of in this guide, the location of the source code will be referred as C:\apps\cftools-server-donation.

Installing dependencies

After downloading the source code, you need to get the dependencies used by the donation tool. For that, open a new Terminal window:

Setup dependent accounts

Payment processor

See the respective documentation for the payment processor of your choice on how to setup an account.

Discord login

The donation tool requires a login through discord. I choose this login method, as most gaming communities will already have a discord server, which is connected to their community and therefore accepted the most. To setup this loign through Discord, you'll need to create an application in the developer portal of Discord. To do so, follow these steps:


Note: If you do not want to offer a Priority Queue perk, you can skip this section.

You may use CFTools Cloud to manage and grant priority queue access to your donators and want to use this donation tool to make the whole process of donating and setting up the priority queue an automatic self-service experience. For that, this donation tool requires some grants to manage the priority queue entries on your behalf. As for Discord and PayPal, this is done by setting up a developer application, which you can setup using the following steps:

Discord Bot user

Note: If you do not want to offer a Discord role perk, you can skip this section.

In order for this donation tool to be able to redeem discord role related perks (granting the donator a specific role in your discord sever), it needs additional permissions and setup. You need to create a bot user, which is invited into the discord server you want to have the roles assigned to donators. You can setup the bot by following these steps:

In addition to the bot setup itself, you'll need the Guild ID of the Discord server where you just added your Discord bot to. To retrieve this ID, follow these steps:


You're now set and should have all the required information to configure the donation tool and start it up the first time. To configure the tool, follow these steps:

Start the tool

Once you've done the above setup and steps, you can go ahead and start the donation tool. For that: