
Every user in the donation tool implicitly gets the Donator role, which allows them to: - Make a new donation - Subscribe to a package - Inspect their own donation - View their own subscriptions - Cancel their own subscriptions

Additionally, to this implicit role, the donation tool has the following other roles. Role membership is granted based on membership to a specific Discord role within the Discord guild you configure in the configuration option. In order to map a specific Discord role to a donation tool role, add the roleMapping configuration option to the discord option. Then add the role name as a key and the Discord role ID as the value (make sure the role ID is escaped to avoid yaml number encoding issues), like in this example:

  clientId: '123456789'
  # ...
    roleName: '987654321'

Following you find a list of roles defined in the donation tool. Only roles that you define in the roleMapping configuration are used in the tool. If you do not define the mapping, then no user will get this role.


To enable this role, use this key in roleMapping: auditor.

Members of this role are able to see a statistics of donations made on a monthly basis (/statistics).